A tip of the wings to the Tomcat

"Negative, Ghostrider. The pattern is full."
This is an off-topic post, but it’s a noteworthy day in that the United States Navy is retiring the F-14 Tomcat. If you’ve seen Top Gun, you know what an F-14 is. The aircraft has been at the front of the nation’s naval air superiority for over 30 years. Its distinguished swept wing and twin tail gave it a unique and graceful look. It was an extremely versatile fighter nimble enough for dogfights and large enough to act as a bomber when needed. I’m proud to say that my late grandfather was one of the men behind the Tomcat. I’m sure this is a bittersweet day for everyone who spent time at Grumman. The F-14 has served the nation well, but there are some incredible aircraft taking its place in our nation’s arsenal.
The F-14 and the men and women behind it are remembered at the Grumman Memorial Park out on the east end of Long Island very close to the place I consider home.