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Post “We need new highlights, Bulldogs.”

Monday August 1, 2011

This. A thousand times this. Travis is a little rage-y this week, and I like it.

I appreciate the effort and intentions of all of the highlight/hype videos. I really do. But it drives me crazy every time I see that Green catch at Colorado only to think back on how it felt to wander through Boulder after the game. Remembering that night doesn’t get me pumped for the future. I don’t want to be reminded that incredible talents like Moreno, Stafford, and Green left Athens without titles of any kind. That’s what I see any time I watch any footage from the last five seasons that isn’t from late 2007.

Would Zeier-era highlights have made much sense or had much relevance in 2002? We’re about at that point now with Pollack and Hobnailed Boot clips and dozens of others in standard-def. We might as well show Herschel and Trippi highlights.

The best hype video right now is this one. It’s blank. This is a program that needs to make new highlights. It’s to be filled in with team accomplishments from the present and more meaningful plays than just sporadic individual moments of greatness.

2 Responses to '“We need new highlights, Bulldogs.”'

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  • Amen, Amen!! I said something similar the other day on Bernie’s blog. I appreciate and love the incredible ingenuity & talent to make the videos, but it’s beyond depressing to continue to relive the WLOCP of ’07 as the last moment we actually showed up, or title runs 5 years ago. And i love Herschel, but damn – is that the last big hero we’ve got? 30 years ago? Ugh. No more highlights for me. Wake me when we actually mount a comeback in reality.

  • Great minds hate on fools alike.