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Post Georgiadogs.com unavailable at deadline of season ticket renewal

Thursday March 31, 2011

If you’ve tried, to visit georgiadogs.com today, you’ll find a Network Solutions placeholder page instead of the usual content. It looks as if someone neglected to renew the georgiadogs.com domain – something website owners have to do every couple of years. It will be interesting to see if they are able to maintain ownership of the name. There are services set up to swoop in and squat on expired domain names and charge a handsome price to release them. Anyway…

The unavailability of the site is especially inconvenient since March 31 is the deadline to renew football season tickets and request away and neutral tickets. If you’ve procrastinated until the final day, you might think you’re out of luck. Fortunately the service that handles e-commerce and tickets for the athletic association is owned and hosted by a third party. That ordering site is still up and running; you just can’t get to it through georgiadogs.com.

How to order tickets

Go to the Georgia Bulldog Club website at http://www.thegeorgiabulldogclub.com/. Select “My Account” at the top right. You should be able to order tickets (for any sport) from that point.

I would also expect that the outage will cause UGA to extend the deadline a couple of days once they get the georgiadogs.com site back up and running, but that’s just speculation.

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