Calling the championship game
Thursday January 7, 2010
Despite what seems like a pretty solid consensus to the contrary, something tells me to go with Texas.
Bonus MVP: Jordan Shipley
Calling the championship game
Thursday January 7, 2010
Despite what seems like a pretty solid consensus to the contrary, something tells me to go with Texas. Bonus MVP: Jordan Shipley
Quoteable"Everyone is different, but the smartest decision you can make as a prospect is to stay in state if you are from Georgia. If a guy comes from Parkview, Thomson, or anywhere, the best thing that he can do is to be a Dawg. Everybody will know you, and it is such a big thing to play for the University of Georgia."
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One Response to 'Calling the championship game'
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January 8th, 2010
8:40 pm
Brian, you ignorant slut…..
just sayin…