Glitch greets those trying to buy UGA deck parking
An e-mail sent a few weeks earlier notified fans that July 6th would be the date of the annual stampede to buy football parking spaces in one of four campus decks. Since certain decks, specifically Hull St. and the South Campus Deck, had sold out quickly in the past, the appointed hour of 8:00 AM was an important detail.
So it was a pretty big shock to those who logged on right at 8:00 to see the Carlton Street Deck as the only option for purchase. Nearly half an hour of refreshing didn’t reveal a solution, and the message boards soon became active with complaints from fans with similar stories. Those who were able to reach Parking Services by phone could only say that Parking Services was aware of the problem and a fix was coming. A temporary “hack” was found in the meantime: the missing decks could be located by using the web site’s Search feature, and at least those who knew about the workaround could complete their purchase.
Soon after 8:30, the glitch was fixed and all decks became visible on the correct page. The Hull Street Deck has since sold out.
You can currently buy spaces for $120 in the three remaining decks: Carlton Street (Coliseum), the South Campus Deck, and the North Campus Deck.
I don’t know if it was the best decision to start the parking land grab the Monday morning after a major holiday, but it was a pretty big screw-up on the part of UGA Parking Services not to be ready right at the promised hour of 8 AM. I hope not too many of you were inconvenienced.
UPDATE (9:55 AM): Now Hull Street and the South Campus Decks are sold out. Parking remains available in the North Campus and Carlton Street Decks.
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Dawg fans’ yearly challenge: Athens parking | The Junkyard Blawg
July 6th, 2009
2:00 pm
[…] at DawgsOnline, they have a rundown on today’s rush to buy season parking spaces in the four UGA campus decks […]