That didn’t take long
I wrote just a few posts below that “our glee over a low attrition forecast has to be tempered with the acceptance of the likely offseason suspension or two.”
As it turns out, it didn’t even take the weekend to get to the “or two” mark. In separate incidents, defensive back Donavon Baldwin and fullback Fred Munzenmaier were arrested and will be suspended for at least the season opener against Georgia Southern.
Because both incidents were alcohol-related, a second offense down the road could result in a semester-long suspension from the University; that was the punishment for Akeem Hebron for a second alcohol-related arrest while on University probation for his first offense.
Both arrests have an element that makes it a bit tougher to shrug them off. Baldwin was arrested for DUI, always a serious thing. Munzenmaier allegedly decided in his late-night drunken stroll (in sub-freezing temperatures) to pop off at the Athens Clarke-County officer and accused the APD of having it in for athletes. Some misguided fans probably agree with him. It’s no shock for a football player to think he’s above the law, especially after a few drinks. But if it’s a common belief among Georgia players that the Athens police are out to get them, one might think that they’d be a little smarter about going out of their way to draw attention to themselves after a bender.
We can hope this is the end of it, but as Carter Strickland notes in the AJC, this is the third consecutive season that Georgia has had a January or February arrest that has impacted the subsequent season. There’s a long way to go until August.
A former player also was a casualty of the weekend. Terreal Bierria was arrested for DUI and speeding in Athens.
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Bulldog Bry
January 21st, 2008
7:48 pm
Geez. You scare me.
Any chance you could write an article about how Georgia Tech should do well as long as they don’t get hit with major recruiting violations?
January 21st, 2008
9:43 pm
I’ve got a glowing outlook for Florida’s season in the pipeline…if they can avoid an outbreak of the bird flu.