2007 Scoreboard Videos
Thursday December 6, 2007
Keyframe, a division of score/video board maker Daktronics, produced the videos we saw on the video board this year including the crowd favorites before kickoff and the fourth quarter. They have a gallery of their video productions, and Georgia has several in there. Follow the link and select the video you want to see.
My personal favorite is the “tunnel video”. How about you?
2 Responses to '2007 Scoreboard Videos'
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December 6th, 2007
7:48 am
Great find!! I like the BOOM 4th quarter vid and the Saturday vid the best. I’d like some of the others better without the advertisements.
December 7th, 2007
3:23 pm
on the saturday video when The BIG 27 says its Saturday in Athens does it look like Stafford is wearing jorts or is that just me?